So I'm going to start this by saying that I may be a little bit jaded since I'm on an opposing team, but here is my as objective as possible review. This game is very good looking, with every aspect of it looking nice and nothing grating or dissonant in the slightest, so good job on that front. The music was well made in that it sounded good to the ear, but it was just so so SO repetitive.
Now for gameplay...hmm... I felt that you were working for a No Time To Explain feeling to it, which only sort of worked, since it was four directions. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, and that mechanic holds up well. The primary issue here is the knockback. Seems like a small problem, but it's really big, when hitting something makes you fly back ten feet. This just makes the game beyond difficult to control. That was the problem with No Time To Explain and you actually fixed it in this as far as cannon physics go. You just happened to also destroy it by having the character fly backward a half mile if they touch a spike.
Bottom line: Iffy concept on a game with one major flaw that ruins a good looking game.
PS- I couldnt beat the boss, and it was a well done boss, it's just I havent found out how to get around that freaking eyeball attack....