Hey everyone! NATA's all done and complete! So now I'll be showing off some of the awesome animatinos that I had the honor to be a part of!
Like last time, I'm going to show someone else off first, because I really liked his animation! So first, CHECK OUT MihaP's entry! I worked with him last round, and this round, he has only gotten better! I'm just confused as to why he's only got 58 Fans! Go check out his stuff, because it's great!
Now onto what I voiced in! First off, I got to be with the fantabulous Sandwich-eater once again, where I drink alcohol and stab people, aka me in about three years.
Next, I got to work with Cenaf who took the theme and made something great! There's action! There's drama! And there's a goddess! What more could you want?
Finally, I got to work with Whirlguy! Remember his Open Round Entry? Well his Novice round entry is actually a prequel to it! Watch them both for awesome added effect! (Featuring sketcheffect)
Also, if you notice, all of these also feature the stellar voice acting of my good friend codeblackhayate! Give her a follow too, since she just rocks the socks out of everything she voices in!
Also also, might as well make the subtle announcement that I'm making a game for Power of Four! Details will be revealed as they come...
hey are you gonna do another bracket guessing competition this year? Cause I just finished mine
Pahgawk got second. Confirmed for Sm4sh