Hey guys! Some of yo may remember my little blurb from about a week ago about me joining an improv series called "Name Still Pending Improv" I'd like to announce that we are going to be uploading episodes of it every weekday, so that's a good bit a day! They'll be on Newgrounds, so if you want more, you can keep in touch here, but there are video versions of them on Youtube (along with future animated versions of them). They will be released there in videos like the one below
The Youtube channel is the hub of Team Prototype, which features Name Still Pending, and other future animations, so if you subscribe to them, I will be so kind as to send you a special little something, maybe, possibly, probably not since you'll llikely just take it then unsubscribe. but potential bribery aside, please be a dear and subscribe to us. We'll deliver NSP and animations (along wiht updates on games that we're making) right to your internet doorstep!
Ryry67dude out!